US political blog The Daily Beast has posted three very useful pages detailing the top 25 high-profile journalists and bloggers from across the three main parts of the US political spectrum. They're worth going through to help with any essay question which requires political opinion of the topic (that is, all of them).
The Left's list is here, the Right's list is here and the Centrist list is here.
I'm going to have a very quick scamper through the main ones, specifically with a view to finding articles on the course key topics I've taught. What I find won't be exhaustive, or complete, but hopefully may lead to other pages to help your research. Some, like the right-leaning Drudge Report, are well-known on the Internet, but I must admit I found the web-site hard to navigate, so I'll merely link to it here.
Right-leaning places to look & people to read: Andrew Breitbart, Laura Ingraham, the Wall Street Journal, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News
The Right on:
Healthcare Reform: Andrew Breitbart at a Tea Party meeting; this about costs of the reform; this from "Reason" magazine about State-based reforms; the extraordinary Rush Limbaugh
Supreme Court:
This about the SC's decision to overturn the "McCain-Feingold" campaign finance reform bill; this about the forthcoming battle to replace Justice Stevens
President Obama in general:
This from Laura Ingraham about taxes and Obama
This from "Hot Air" about a recent Obama memorandum; Obama is a socialist.
General pages:
The Mission statement of the Tea Party Movement; a very long article about Right-leaning media from the WSJ.
The Left:
Depending on how complex you want to make it, the left can be sub-divided viciously. Key places to look:
The Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The New Republic, New York Times (esp Paul Krugman)
According to a recent poll, 42% of the US electorate consider themselves centrist and not part of the traditional left / right split.
Start with: The Moderate Voice web-site; Andrew Sullivan (Sunday Times etc); Kathleen Parker is a widely-syndicated journalist who has been Conservative, but recently declared herself as an independent; the Christian Science Monitor
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