
Tuesday, 6 April 2010

AS & A2 course information

First thing first. I know that Gordon Brown has finally called the general election and that May 6th has been the obvious date for months, but before I get onto that I'll just post information about the AS and A2 courses which I teach and which will be the focus (for now at least) of this blog.

Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Government and Politics  - AKA AS G&P - Code: 8GP01.
Unit 1: People and Politics

Edexcel Advanced GCE in Government and Politics - AKA A2 G&P - Code: 9GP01
Unit 3C: Representative Processes in the USA
Unit 4C: Governming the USA

Various useful documents such as the specification and sample assessment materials can be found here at the Edexcel web-site. I do have to include a health-warning:

 The specification had been changed in 2008 for the AS 2009 summer exam and the 2010 A2 summer exam. Older exam papers you may find elsewhere on the site won't have the same structure as we will be expecting in the exams in the summer, but they may be helpful in terms of the sort of questions they are asking.

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