
Wednesday, 29 January 2014

State of the Union 2014

Just because I can, here is a video of some highlights from the State of the Union address 2014:

Essential viewing for any G and P student contemplating the power of the US president - especially as he approaches the Mid-terms and the final quarter of his presidency when he will be a "lame duck". The BBC's analysis can be found here.

The Washington Post analyses here, leading with the pledge that Obama will act, without Congress if necessary, to help alleviate inequality in the USA. G and P students should be aware of the methods the President would be likely to use - Executive Orders and directing the relevant departments.

Students should also not forget the Clinton-era description of these powers as "Stroke of the pen, law of the land. Kinda cool".

The threat by the President to go it alone without Congress is also a reflection on Congress' willingness to act. G and P students could also use this to help analyse whether Congress is effective.

The complete Address can be found below, courtesy of PBS and Youtube.

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