A quick post with a link before the results of the mid-terms about Gerrymandering; which is when a politician re-draws electoral boundaries to ensure that they are voted in by favourable voters. The Economist's Democracy in America blog draws attention to the forthcoming documentary:
It's a very important issue in American politics for some; arguably is it a key reason why American politics is so partisan.
President Obama's interview with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" mentions it too. In the interview he does also highlight a whole load of issues which G&P students can mention (Gerrymandering, Filibustering, partisanship etc) in any critique of the US political system. Entertaining stuff too:
Part one is here:
Part two is here:
The Mid-terms take place tonight, so there is bound to be plenty to chew over. In the meantime, there is this chatty post from The Economist's Democracy in America Blog, and another from the same blog about the inability of the American left to cope with the ideology of the right (the Tea Party-ers can evoke feelings about American history that left-leaning Democrats have failed to do)