
Thursday 2 February 2012

Florida Primary

A quick post to update my graph of the Republican race; commentators including The Economist are pretty certain Mitt Romney is going to win. Exact figures can be found here at the Wikipedia page, or here at the BBC news page, or they helpfully give a media digest here


The Economist's Democracy in America blog has a useful analysis of all this:

Although Mr Romney’s win in Florida has put him back on track for the nomination, it does hold some worrying portents for the general election. Independent voters, who could not take part in the primary, seem to have been put off by the nasty tenor of the campaigning. The proportion of them who take a dim view of Mr Romney has risen in recent days. Moreover, the turnout among Republicans was lower than in 2008, itself a year in which the party was quite dispirited. To have prevailed in a big, swing state like Florida is an enormous boost for Mr Romney, but Mr Obama will find some solace in the results as well.